Wednesday, March 26, 2008

salvage Surplus and Liquidation Pallets from K-mart

the returns pallets of K-mart hardgoods ( or salvage liquidation general merchandise) have good value. These surplus pallets of liquidation merchandise are gaylords packed full. They usually can be purchased for about $150 per pallet in quantity. The pallets have sets of cookware,sporting goods,toys,tools,kitchen electrics ,cosmetics and some electronics and much,much more. This is the perfect type of pallets to sell at flea markets, Take five pallets load them in a cargo van and have fun on the weekend. and make about $1,000 profit. Sell the k-mart hargoods surplus salvage pallets at the flea market for fun,sun and good profit


lili said...

please call,my name is lili,Im interesed to 602 0803.

lili said...

hi,my name is lili,I m intersted to buy whole pallets from k mart,i need to know some more information,so please call as soon as #678 602