Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today marks my 8th year as a liquidator of closeouts and salvage merchandise

I have learned a lot in the eight years I have in the salvage and liquidation business. When I started out I purchased one or two pallets of macy's closeouts. It was about after 18 months before I purchased my first truckload. I was so nervous. I borrowed $5,000 from my parents. The cost of that first truckload of surplus merchandise was $12,000. The truckload contained 38 pallets. It was a target general merchandise load. After I made the wire transfer were the longeswst four days of my life. I had never borrowed a dollar from my parents. I kept thinking what if something happens to the truckload. When the truckload of target general merchandise arrived I was sooo happy. I sold all the pallets in four days and made $8,000 profit. I thought that was a lot of money. I was able to pay back my parents and bought them a weekend trip to Vegas

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